Daylesford Academy


The cultural development of pupils is shown by their:

  • understanding and appreciation of cultural differences within school and further afield
  • knowledge of British value
  • willingness to participate in a range of cultural opportunities
  • interest in exploring, improving understanding of and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity

We encourage children to celebrate cultural diversity within the school community and beyond.  We learn about customs and festivals within other faiths, food and art from different cultures.  We have cultural days where pupils are encouraged to take part in activities, like the henna workshop shown below:

Henna painting workshops in Autumn 2020

The Art department invited a Henna Painting Practitioner in for the day to deliver specialist workshops in Henna painting which went down a storm with both the pupils and the staff!

So many of the pupils and staff had never had this experience before and the feedback they gave during and after the workshop was really exciting.

Testimonials from participants:

‘I loved the atmosphere in there!’

‘I’ve learned how to use a new medium!’

‘Beautiful Designs! A wonderful vibe! Superb!’

‘It felt so nice when the Henna was being applied.’